Zindagi Zindagi (Title) Song Lyrics from the movie/album Zindagi Zindagi released in the year 2012 starring Deb Mukherjee, Waheeda Rehman. The song Zindagi Zindagi (Title) was sung by Sachin Dev Burman. This movie/album was directed by Tapan Sinha. The music was given by Sachin Dev Burman. The lyrics were Penned by Anand Bakshi. The music rights for song purely belongs to Saregama

Zindagi Zindagi (Title) Lyrics

Zindagi Ae Zindagi Zindagi, Tere Hai Do Rup
Zindagi Ae Zindagi Zindagi, Tere Hai Do Rup
Biti Hui Rato Ki Bato Ki Tu Chaya
Chaya Wo Jo Banegi Dhup

Kabhi Tere Kirane Thi Thandi Thandi Hay Re
Ab Tu Hi Mere Ji Me Aag Lagaye
Kabhi Tere Kirane Thi Thandi Thandi Hay Re
Ab Tu Hi Mere Ji Me Aag Lagaye
Chandani Eye Chandani Chandani, Tere Hai Do Rup
Tute Hue Sapno Ki Apno Ki Tu Chhaya
Chhaya Wo Jo Banegi Dhup

Ate Jate Pal Kya Hai Samay Ke Ye Jhule Hai
Bichade Sathi Kabhi Yad Aye Kabhi Bhule Hai
Ate Jate Pal Kya Hai Samay Ke Ye Jhule Hai
Bichade Sathi Kabhi Yad Aye Kabhi Bhule Hai
Adami Eye Adami Adami, Tere Hai Do Rup
Duhkh Sukh Ke Jhulo Ki Phulo Ki Tu Chaya
Chhaya Wo Jo Banegi Dhup
Chhaya Wo Jo Banegi Dhup

Koi Bhuli Hui Bat Mujhe Yad Aai Hai
Khushi Bhi Tu Layi Thi Aur Ansu Bhi Tu Layi Hai
Koi Bhuli Hui Bat Mujhe Yad Aai Hai
Khushi Bhi Tu Layi Thi Aur Ansu Bhi Tu Layi Hai
Dilagi Eye Dilagi  Dilagi, Tere Hai Do Rup
Kaise Kaise Vado Ki Yado Ki Tu Chhaya
Chhaya Wo Jo Banegi Dhup.

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