Ye To Nahi Ke Gam Hai
Ye To Nahi Ke Gam Hai
Ha Meri Aankh Nam Nahi
Ye To Nahi Ke Gam Hai
Tum Bhi To Tum Nahi Ho Aaj
Tum Bhi To Tum Nahi Ho Aaj
Hum Bhi To Aaj Hum Nahi
Ye To Nahi Ke Gam Hai
Ab Na Khushi Ki Hai Khushi
Ab Na Khushi Ki Hai Khushi
Gam Ka Bhi Ab To Gam Nahi
Ye To Nahi Ke Gam Hai
Maut Agar Che Maut Hai
Maut Agar Che Maut Hai
Maut Se Zist Kam Nahi
Ye To Nahi Ke Gam Hai
Ha Meri Aankh Nam Nahi
Ye To Nahi Ke Gam Hai
Ye To Nahi Ke Gham Nahi Song Lyrics from the movie/album A Sound Affair (Jagjit Singh) released in the year 2018. The song Ye To Nahi Ke Gham Nahi was sung by Jagjit Singh. The music was given by Jagjit Singh. The lyrics were Penned by Firaq Gorakhpuri
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