Although the majority of animals lack these skills, some do. These few organisms, nevertheless, could help us understand how regeneration works in their species.
9 Surprising Animals With the Ability to Regenerate Body Parts
There are countless natural wonders in the globe. Too numerous to count, and we never get tired of the surprises nature has in store for us.In addition to all the marvels, it is worthwhile to consider if we would be able to regrow a lost limb or harmed organ. These skills may seem like something out of a sci-fi future, yet they are really found in the animal kingdom. Although the majority of animals lack these skills, some do. These few organisms, nevertheless, could help us understand how regeneration works in their species.
1. Axolotl

Axolotls are a type of aquatic salamander that has remarkable regeneration powers. They can grow new skin, limbs, organs, or just about any other part of the body.
Axolotls live permanently underwater because they never develop lungs and instead retain their gills. Axolotls can regenerate limbs and organs flawlessly and without leaving any scarring, which is even more astounding. In as short as three weeks, they can repeat this as often as required.
2. Chameleons

Chameleons are extremely fascinating creatures that are widely renowned for their extraordinary capacity to alter their colour in order to fit in with the surroundings. Chameleons may also grow new tails and limbs, in addition to their other abilities. During the healing process, they can also repair damaged skin and nerves.
3. Mexican tetra

Mexican tetras can repair heart tissue, much like zebrafish. Or rather, surface fish can; populations of fish from caves no longer possess this capacity. After damage, their hearts develop scarring more like a person would. According to the latest research, cavefish have uncontrolled versions of many genes.
4. Starfish

Some species of starfish have even been seen to complete the process in reverse, regrowing a whole body from a lost arm. Starfish may regenerate limbs that detach from their central disc. One of the most well-known and dramatic instances is the ability of starfish to develop a complete new body from just one arm. Additionally, starfish possess a neurological regeneration potential that is uncommon in other animals.
5. Sharks

Sharks could renew their dental structures, but they cannot restore their organs or other bodily components. Over the course of a lifetime, they lose at least 30.000 teeth, yet each one may regenerate in a matter of days or months. Over the course of his lifetime, a shark may replace missing teeth up to 50 times.
6. Salamander

The astonishing capacity of salamanders to regenerate tissues, organs, and even whole body parts, such as their limbs, has earned them the title of regeneration champions. Salamanders have so contributed significant knowledge on the methods by which cells, tissues, and organs detect and repair damaged or missing pieces.
7. Flatworm

Flatworms called planarians have a remarkable capacity for self-regeneration. In a few of weeks, you might create two planarians by slicing one in half; each half would quickly fill in the gaps.
8. Sea squirt

Sea squirts are aquatic creatures that have the ability to regrow their whole bodies from a single blood artery segment. A distinct population of stem cells that are floating around in their blood is their secret. The discovery could provide light on how these regeneration abilities developed.9. Deer

The only animal appendage that can regenerate repeatedly is the deer antler, which is lost each year and then grows back into a massive structure of branching cartilage and bone that is used for fighting and show.
Below is a addon, though this doesn't belong to Animal but it is one interesting regenerating organ.

Among organs, the liver has a special ability to heal after injury. Even after having up to 90% of it removed, a liver may regenerate to its original size. However, the liver is not unbreakable. Numerous illnesses and exposures can permanently damage it.